Liquid Translations Limited was founded in 2003, in Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.), by Gordon Fisher M.A. (Hons), Dip. Trans. IOL, a native English speaker, who not only runs the business but also specialises in Italian to English translations. Having targeted the UK and Italian markets from day one, we have by now completed thousands of translations – of websites, marketing brochures, technical documents, contracts, correspondence and books – for our 250-strong client base, into and out of dozens of different languages.
Our brand values – which have ensured our success over the years – are commitment, professionalism, flexibility, value for money, dynamism, creativity and trust. These are the values that enable us to make the most of the opportunities afforded by 21st-century business. Even though we meet our clients in person only very rarely
– since we are located in various corners of the globe – they know that they can trust us 100%.
In the menu on the left, you will see the links to the following sub-sections: our objective, our most prestigious clients and our brand values.
If you have any questions or you would like a customised quote, get in touch!