1) The unit of translation is the page (defined as 25 lines of 55 keystrokes, spaces included) of the source text,
unless otherwise specified in writing.
2) If not otherwise specified in writing, all outstanding invoices should be paid within thirty days of the date of issue.
3) Every translation request should be accompanied by a purchase order showing the price which has been agreed between both parties. The request may be made by letter, fax or telephone - without such a request we retain the right to postpone the start of any work on the project.
4) Any late or missed payment will make the client immediately liable for all outstanding invoices, without further notice. In any event, the client will be responsible for the expenses incurred by Liquid Translations Limited in the resolution of the dispute.
5) In the event of late payment, work on any of the client's orders in progress will be suspended, pending payment.
6) In the event that the client cancels the order, any work completed will be charged.
7) Liquid Translations Limited shall not be held responsible for the late delivery of work caused by the malfunction
of faxes, modems, e-mails and other forms of communication not directly controlled by Liquid Translations Limited.
8) Complaints will only be taken into consideration if they are received in writing within seven days of the consignment of the completed work. After this period, all work consigned will be considered as satisfactory and accepted by the client.
9) Under no circumstances may a defect in one part of the translated text cast doubt over the validity of the remainder of the work. Liquid Translations Limited retains the right in such cases to correct any errors.
10) Should the client be dissatisfied with the completed work (having made the complaint within the allotted time), Liquid Translations Limited shall endeavour to consign a revised version to the client as soon as possible.
This latter document shall be used as definitive in the resolution of any dispute.
11) Liquid Translations Limited shall not be held legally responsible for loss or damages incurred by the client as a result of erroneous translation or mistranslation.
12) All translations remain the property of Liquid Translations Limited until the relevant invoices have been
paid in full.
13) All disputes shall be resolved in accordance with Scottish law.